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Terms And Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  1. Preamble
  2. Contacting Parcel Royale Ltd.
  3. Agreeing to the Terms of Use.
  4. Account, Login and General Information
  5. Contract and Agreement
  6. Size of Package, Transportation and Excepted Goods
  7. Goods Delivery
  8. Time of Delivery
  9. Disputes and Resolution
  10. Access and Availability of Services
  11. Unforeseen Circumstances, Liabilities and Guarantees
  12. Intellectual Property
  13. Personal Data
  14. Confidentiality
  15. Suspension and Termination
  16. Terms of Use and Transfer
  17. Independence of the Parties
  18. Miscellaneous
  19. Third Party Rights
  20. Applying for Job Positions
  21. Accessing your Data
  22. General Information
  23. Independent Courier
  24. Independent Courier


Welcome to Parcel Royale Ltd. The following terms outline the conditions under which our Mobile Application (app) and Website (web) shall be used. By accessing and using our app and website, you accept this terms and conditions, and agree to comply with and be bound by the following it. If you do not agree with these terms, it means that the services provided by Parcel Royale Ltd are not for you. So, please, refrain from using our services.

The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement, and Disclaimer Notice and any or all Agreements: "Client", “Customer”, “Rider”, “Independent Courier”, “Independent Courier Rider”, "You", and "Your" refers to you, the person accessing this website/app and accepting our terms and conditions. "Parcel Royale Ltd”, Parcel Royale", "We", "Our", and "Us" refers to our company. "Party", "Parties", or "Us" refers to any party making use of our services for the reasons outlined herein.

Agreeing to the Terms of Use.

By accessing or using our website and/or mobile application, you hereby acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you should not access or use the website or mobile application.

We reserve the right to modify the terms of use at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to periodically review the terms of use for any changes. By continuing to access or use our website or mobile application after any modifications have been made, you agree to abide by the revised terms of use.

We may also change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the website or mobile application at any time without prior notice or liability. Furthermore, we may restrict access to parts or all of the website or mobile application without prior notice or liability.

Please note that the terms and conditions stated herein are governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

Account, Login and General Information

In order to use our website and/or mobile application, you must create an account. Here are the conditions of creating an account, as well as general information and login information:

  1. Creating an account:

    • You must be at least 18 years of age or older to create an account.
    • You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login information.
    • You must provide accurate and up-to-date information during the registration process.
    • You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.
    • You may not share your account login information with any third party.
  2. General Information:

    • We may collect certain personal information from you in order to create and maintain your account. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.
    • Your account must be used for lawful purposes only.
    • We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time for any reason without prior notice or liability.
  3. Login Information:

    • Your login information consists of your email and a password.
    • Your password should be a minimum of eight (8) characters long and contain both letters and numbers and special characters.
    • You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.
    • You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.

Contract and Agreement:

The following terms explain the formation of a contract between Parcel Royale Ltd ("Company") and the Independent Courier Rider and/or customer ("User"), the agreement of the parties, and the evidence of delivery completion as proof of delivery.

  1. Contract Confirmation

    The contract is formed when the Independent Courier Rider accepts the booking through Parcel Royale Ltd mobile application ("Application") and the User accepts the Independent Courier's service. Upon acceptance, the Independent Courier Rider and User agree to the terms and conditions of the website and the specific booking.

  2. Agreement confirmation:

    Both the Independent Courier Rider and User agree that the pressing of the confirmation button by the Independent Courier Rider on the Application when the Goods are picked up and the confirmation when the Goods are delivered. Delivery confirmation can be provided either through the pressing of the confirmation button by the Independent Courier Rider or through the signature of the Recipient on the Application when the Goods are delivered. These acts as evidence of the Delivery of the Goods.

  3. Proof of Delivery

    Both the Independent Courier Rider and User recognise that the delivery completion will be evidenced by the pressing of the confirmation button by the Independent Courier Rider on the Application when the Goods are delivered, or by the signature of the Recipient on the Application when the Goods are delivered. These actions act as proof of delivery when the Goods have been received, and the delivery location has been recorded via GPS.

    In case of any dispute, the Company reserves the right to use these methods of proof of delivery to determine the outcome of the dispute. It is important to note that the Independent Courier Rider and User agree that the delivery completion evidence is conclusive, and no contrary evidence may be presented to challenge it.

Size of Package, Transportation and Excepted Goods

The following conditions explain the prerequisites for excluded goods, package size, and limits of method of transport that must be followed while using Parcel Royale Ltd ("Company").

  1. Size of Package:

    All items must conform to the size and weight requirements specified by the Company. The maximum weight limit for any package shall not exceed 23 kilograms. Also, the maximum size limit for any package shall be 70cm in length, 50cm in width, and 50 cm in height.

  2. Transportation:

    The Company applies different methods of transport depending on the distance and urgency of delivery. Therefore, package size and limitations of transport may vary. The Company cannot transport packages that exceed the weight limit specified above or require a unique mode of transport.

    It is essential to note that the Company reserves the right to reject any package that exceeds the weight limit or any other package that does not conform to the size and weight requirements.

  3. Excepted Goods:

    Parcel Royale Ltd does not transport hazardous goods, illegal substances, firearms, flammable materials, live animals, and any other item deemed unsuitable for transport. The Company reserves the right to reject any item that falls under the excepted goods category.

Goods Delivery

The following processes relate to the delivery of goods using Parcel Royale Ltd ("Company").

  1. Delivery Request: :

    The User requests a pickup of their package via the Company's mobile application or website, specifying the pickup location and delivery destination.

  2. Item(s) Specification

    The User shall provide due specification of the item(s) to be collected, encompassing details of its dimensions, number, as well as weight.

  3. Acceptance of Delivery Request:

    An Independent Courier Rider who is available and willing to transport the package accepts the delivery request.

  4. Request Confirmation:

    The Independent Courier Rider provides confirmation of their acceptance of the delivery request to the User via the Company's mobile application.

  5. The User, Sender, Recipient and Independent Courier:

    The Independent Courier Rider communicates with the User, the Sender, and the Recipient regarding any changes in the delivery schedule or difficulties faced during the delivery process.

  6. Delivery Execution:

    The Independent Courier Rider executes the delivery of the goods, providing confirmation of delivery completion on the Company's mobile application.

  7. Pricing

    • The Company determines the price of the delivery based on a number of factors, example the pickup location, delivery destination, traffic conditions, package size, weight, etc.
    • The price varies depending on the type and quantity of services required by the customer. The price is communicated to the customer before any services are rendered, and it includes all applicable taxes, VAT and fees.
  8. Tax and VAT

    • Parcel Royale Ltd is registered for tax purposes and is subject to tax laws and regulations in the country of operation. Appropriate taxes are applied to all services provided by Parcel Royale Ltd, and these taxes are included in the invoiced amount. Customers are required to pay taxes in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country in which the goods or services are provided.
    • VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax that is added to the price of goods and services sold by Parcel Royale Ltd. The applicable VAT rate is determined by the country in which the goods or services are provided.
  9. Waiting time

    Waiting time is the maximum amount of time that a courier is expected to wait at a delivery or collection location. The waiting time varies depending on the service selected by the customer and is communicated in advance. If the courier is unable to complete the delivery or collection within the specified waiting time, waiting fees may apply.

  10. Waiting Fee

    Waiting fees are charged when a courier is required to wait for an extended period of time to complete a delivery or collection. Waiting fees are communicated to the customer in advance and are applicable when the courier is unable to complete the delivery due to circumstances beyond their control, such as the recipient being unavailable.

  11. Payments

    The following provisions regarding invoices and receipts apply to the application:

    • The Sender shall be responsible for paying all charges related to the delivery of the Goods, including applicable taxes, VAT, fees, and surcharges.
    • The Sender shall be liable for payment of any additional fees incurred as a result of providing an incorrect delivery address, incorrect weight or incorrect number of item(s) or size information.
  12. Payment Default

    In terms of payment default, the following shall apply:

    • If the Sender defaults on payment, Parcel Royale Ltd may take action to collect payment. This may include, but is not limited to, pursuing legal action, hiring a collection agency, and suspending the Sender's access to the application.
    • Parcel Royale Ltd reserves the right to charge the Sender interest on any outstanding balance at market rate.
  13. Collection Mandate

    A collection mandate is an authorisation given to Parcel Royale Ltd to collect payments owed for services rendered. The mandate includes the name and contact details of the customer, as well as the agreed payment terms. By signing the collection mandate, the customer agrees to pay the invoiced amount, and Parcel Royale Ltd is authorized to collect payment via the customer's preferred payment method.

  14. Billing Mandate

    A billing mandate is an agreement between Parcel Royale Ltd and a customer to pay for services rendered according to agreed billing terms. The mandate includes the agreed billing frequency, payment due date, and the preferred payment methods. By entering into a billing mandate, the customer agrees to receive invoices from Parcel Royale Ltd and to pay the invoiced amount by the due date.

  15. Delivery Requirements

    The Company requires that packages conform to certain size and weight requirements for delivery.

  16. Feedback

    After the delivery is completed, both the User and Independent Courier Rider have the option to provide feedback to each other based on their performance during the delivery process.

  17. Cancellation

    • An employee of Parcel Royale may cancel a delivery if the Independent Courier Rider notifies them of unforeseen circumstances that may hinder the successful delivery of an item(s).
    • The Independent Courier Rider has the option to cancel the delivery if they are unable to complete it due to unforeseen circumstances.
    • The customer may choose to cancel the delivery request before the package has been picked up by the Independent Courier.

Time of Delivery

While Parcel Royale Ltd aims to meet its average delivery target of 15 minutes, the actual time and speed of delivery can be impacted by several factors such as:

  1. Availability of Independent Courier Riders:

    The availability of Independent Courier Riders in the specific location can have an impact on the delivery time. During peak hours or times of high demand, there may be fewer riders available, which could result in longer delivery times.

  2. Traffic Conditions:

    Traffic conditions can be an essential factor in determining the time and speed of delivery. Heavy traffic or road closures can delay the delivery process and create long wait times, which can result in a delay in the delivery.

  3. Distance of Delivery:

    The distance between the pickup location and the delivery destination can impact the delivery time. Longer distances may take more time to deliver than shorter distances, which can ultimately result in longer delivery times.

  4. Despite these factors, Parcel Royale Ltd strives to provide the fastest and most efficient delivery services possible while keeping in mind the safety of the Independent Courier Riders and the parcels. We use advanced logistics and tracking systems to optimize delivery times and ensure that packages arrive at their destination as quickly as possible.

Disputes and Resolution

The following explains the principles for resolving disputes regarding the delivery of goods by Parcel Royale Ltd ("Company"):

  1. General Principles:

    Parcel Royale Ltd is committed to delivering packages in a timely and efficient manner. However, in rare instances where problems may arise, we encourage users, senders, and recipients to communicate in an honest and respectful manner to resolve any disputes. If a dispute cannot be resolved through communication, the parties involved may escalate the issue through the Company's formal dispute resolution process to reach a fair and satisfactory outcome.

  2. Receiving Goods:

    Upon receiving a package(s), the recipient should check the package(s) to ensure that it is in good condition. If there are any damages visible on the package, the recipient must inform the delivery person immediately and take pictures as evidence. If the recipient notices any discrepancies in the package's contents, such as missing or incorrect items, they should contact the Sender immediately and inform the Company within 24 hours.

  3. Damaged Goods:

    If the recipient receives a damaged package, they should not accept the delivery and should inform the delivery person immediately. The recipient should provide photographic evidence of the damage and contact the Sender and the Company within 24 hours to report the issue. The Company will launch an investigation and inform the relevant parties of the outcome.

  4. Missing Goods:

    In the unfortunate event that a package goes missing during delivery, the recipient should inform the delivery person immediately and contact the Sender and the Company within 24 hours. The Company will undertake an investigation and keep the parties involved informed of progress and outcome.

  5. Other causes not here mentioned:

    If there are any issues that cause problems during delivery, the parties involved should communicate and try to find a resolution. If the issue cannot be resolved amicably, they may escalate the issue through the Company's formal dispute resolution process to reach a satisfactory outcome.

Access and Availability of Services:

Access to and the availability of the Parcel Royale application and its services are subject to certain conditions and may be affected by circumstances beyond the company's control. The application may be unavailable for maintenance and updates, or in the event of an unforeseen technical issue. Parcel Royale Ltd cannot guarantee that the application will be error-free, secure, or continuously available. We recommend that users maintain alternative means of communication and access to their account information in case of application unavailability. We strive to provide uninterrupted access to our services and will take appropriate action to resolve any disruptions caused by unforeseen circumstances. The application is available for use in accordance with the company's terms and conditions, and Parcel Royale Ltd reserves the right to terminate access to the application and services for users who violate these terms.

Unforeseen Circumstances, Liabilities and Guarantees

Parcel Royale Ltd assumes full responsibility for the operation of the company and the provision of services to its customers.

  1. Members’ Guarantee:

    The members of Parcel Royale Ltd guarantee to cover any potential loss or damage incurred by the company in the event of its insolvency, up to the amount they have agreed to contribute.

  2. Members’ Liability:

    Members will be held liable for any misconduct or wrongdoing committed while carrying out their duties as members or directors of the company.

  3. Indemnity

    Parcel Royale Ltd will indemnify members and their agents from any costs or damages arising from their actions not in violation of their duties as members or directors.

  4. Limitation of Liability of the Company

    Parcel Royale Ltd accepts full responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by customers using our services, within the constraints of applicable laws and our terms and conditions. However, the company will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from circumstances unforeseen and events beyond our control, such as natural disasters and political unrest. In such cases, the company will take necessary measures to limit the risks to its customers and fulfil its contractual obligations to the extent possible.

Intellectual Property

Parcel Royale Ltd respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. All content and materials accessible through the Parcel Royale application are the exclusive property of the company or its licensors.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights:

    The company ensures that its services, trademarks, logos, and software are protected by intellectual property laws. Users agree not to reproduce, distribute, or modify Parcel Royale's intellectual property without express permission from the company or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.

  2. Application Interaction:

    The Parcel Royale application is designed to be interoperable with other software and applications, where such interoperability is possible. However, the company is not responsible for ensuring that its application or services are compatible with third-party applications or services that have not been explicitly tested or approved by Parcel Royale.

Personal Data

Parcel Royale Ltd takes the privacy of its customers' personal data seriously. The collection, use, and processing of personal data are carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The company maintains appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data.


Parcel Royale Ltd acknowledges that certain information disclosed by its customers or obtained during the provision of services, which is treated with confidentiality by the company, may constitute confidential information. The company shall not disclose any confidential information without the prior written consent of the customer.

Suspension and Termination

Parcel Royale Ltd will provide services to its customers for the duration agreed upon between the company and the customer. The company reserves the right to suspend or terminate services in the event of a breach of these terms and conditions by the customer. The customer may also terminate services with Parcel Royale upon completion of a specific delivery or by providing prior notice to the company.

Terms of Use and Transfer

Parcel Royale Ltd reserves the right to transfer its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions to another company, with express prior notification to the customer. The customer may not transfer or assign their rights and obligations under these terms and conditions without prior written consent from Parcel Royale.

Independence of the Parties

Nothing contained in these terms and conditions shall be construed as creating an agency, partnership, or joint venture between the customer and Parcel Royale Ltd. The customer and the company are independent parties and shall not be construed as having any relationship other than that of service provider and customer.


These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between Parcel Royale Ltd and its customers and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

  1. Entire Agreement:

    These terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between the customer and Parcel Royale Ltd, and no reliance can be placed on any other representations, estimates, or opinions not expressly included in these terms and conditions.

  2. Severance:

    If any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to have been replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that is as close to the original intent as possible.

  3. Headings:

    The headings in these terms and conditions are for convenience and reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of the provisions.

Third Party Rights

Except for Parcel Royale Ltd and its customers, no entity or person shall have any rights under or connection with these terms and conditions.

  1. Waiver:

    The waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of these terms and conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of that provision.

  2. Variation:

    The company reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time, and such modifications shall be effective upon posting on the Parcel Royale website or notification to the customer. Continued use of Parcel Royale's services after any such changes shall constitute acceptance of such changes by the customer.

  3. Applicable Laws and Jurisdictions:

    These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country of incorporation of Parcel Royale Ltd. Any disputes arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts located in the same country.

Applying for Job Positions

As a candidate for employment, please be aware that we will collect personal information from you, such as your name, contact details, and job application details. We will process this data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations and will use it to assess your suitability for employment. Where this application is made using an online service provider, the candidate should take note that the relevant Partner may retain their personal data. Furthermore, the Partner may collect data from the employing company in respect of the progress of the candidate's application.

  1. Notice of Updates:

    Please note that this notice is regularly updated to ensure full compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. It is recommended that candidates check the notice regularly to remain informed of any updates or changes to the data processing information.

  2. How we use the Information we Collect:

    We may collect personal data from you such as your name, contact details, and job application details, and we will process this data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. We may use this data to consider your suitability for employment and may contact you during the recruitment process for this purpose.

  3. Data Retention:

    • We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to complete the recruitment process or for as long as required by applicable laws and regulations.
    • Disclosure of Your Information - to Relevant Agencies and Government Bodies.
    • We may disclose your personal data to relevant agencies and government bodies where it is required by law or necessary for recruitment purposes.
  4. Ensuring the Security of your data:

    We will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your personal data. We will also ensure that our employees are trained in data protection requirements and maintain the strictest level of confidentiality in their handling of personal data.

  5. Unauthorised Usage:

    We will take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of your personal data, and will notify you promptly where such a breach occurs. We will also co-operate fully with any regulatory or supervisory authority in carrying out any investigation or remedial action required.

  6. Where Parcel Royale Ltd Stores its Data:

    • As a data handler, Parcel Royale Ltd is required to be transparent about where personal data is stored and how it is processed, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is important to note that Parcel Royale Ltd uses third-party providers for business functions such as communication, processing payments, and hosting applications.
    • In terms of data storage, Parcel Royale Ltd may store customer data in secure data centres, cloud-based servers, or other similar storage solutions that offer suitable data protection, availability, and efficiency. Where third-party providers are used, Parcel Royale Ltd will ensure that such providers are GDPR-compliant and offer sufficient data protection. This may be achieved by entering into data processing agreements that meet GDPR requirements or selecting service providers that are certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.
    • It's essential that Parcel Royale Ltd complies with GDPR standards regarding personal data processing, whether data is stored in-house or outsourced to third-party providers. In particular, Parcel Royale Ltd must ensure that personal data is processed lawfully and transparently, for legitimate purposes, with appropriate technical and organisational security measures in place to guarantee data privacy and confidentiality.
    • Parcel Royale Ltd's personal data may be stored wherever is deemed most suitable for business operations, as long as GDPR data protection standards are met, including where third-party data providers are used.

Accessing your Data

As a responsible data handler, Parcel Royale Ltd is committed to ensuring that individuals have control over their personal data. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), individuals have various rights regarding their personal data. These rights include:

  1. Right of Access:

    You have the right to know whether Parcel Royale Ltd processes your personal data and, if so, to receive a copy of that data and information about how it is used.

  2. Right to Correct:

    You have the right to request the correction or update of any personal data held by Parcel Royale Ltd that is inaccurate or incomplete.

  3. Right to Erase:

    You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted in certain circumstances, such as when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, or if you withdraw your consent.

  4. Exercising your Right:

    To exercise any of these rights or if you have any questions regarding Parcel Royale Ltd's privacy policy or data protection practices, please contact us at We take your privacy very seriously and will respond to your request promptly.

General Information

Parcel Royale Ltd is a courier services company that provides reliable and efficient delivery solutions to its customers. Parcel Royale Ltd relies on a team of independent couriers to carry out its day-to-day operations.

Independent Courier

Independent courier refers to a person or business that provides courier services on a freelance basis.

Independent Courier

Parcel Royale Ltd operates with the goal of providing reliable and efficient courier services to its customers while maintaining a fair and supportive work environment for all couriers. As an independent courier, you play an important role in ensuring that this goal is achieved.

Becoming an independent courier with Parcel Royale Ltd requires meeting certain prerequisites, maintaining accounts, renewing essential evidence when necessary, and delivering goods securely, timely and in compliance with the company's policies.

  1. Becoming an Independent Courier:

    Private Individual: To become an independent courier with Parcel Royale Ltd, the applicant must be a private individual who is at least 18 years old, holds a valid driver's license, and has access to a reliable mode of transport.

  2. Corporate Entity (including Fleet Partners):

    Corporations that wish to work with Parcel Royale Ltd must submit an application that includes their registration details and evidence of a valid Goods In Transit (GIT) insurance policy. Fleet partners must also provide proof of vehicle registration and MOT certificates.

  3. As an independent courier working for Parcel Royale Ltd, there are special conditions that apply to your role. These may include:

    • Compliance with Parcel Royale Ltd's policies: You are required to comply with the company's policies for data handling, delivery standards, and customer service. This includes following the instructions provided by Parcel Royale Ltd and maintaining a professional approach while representing the company.
    • Use of Parcel Royale Ltd's platform: You are required to use Parcel Royale Ltd's delivery platform for receiving orders, managing deliveries, and communicating with customers. Failure to do so may result in delays or mismanagement of deliveries.
    • Liability and insurance: You are required to have your own insurance coverage and take responsibility for any damages, losses, or injuries that occur during deliveries. Parcel Royale Ltd will not be held liable for any incidents that occur during the course of your deliveries.
    • Payment terms: Your payment terms may differ from those of employees and depend on the terms agreed upon between Parcel Royale Ltd and yourself. You will receive payment for each delivery successfully completed.
    • Performance standards: Parcel Royale Ltd sets performance standards for independent couriers, such as delivery accuracy, timeliness, and customer satisfaction. Failure to meet these standards may result in the termination of your contract with Parcel Royale Ltd.
  4. Accounts:

    All independent couriers are required to have a Parcel Royale Ltd account to receive orders, manage deliveries, track payments, and communicate with customers.

  5. Choice of Transport:

    Parcel Royale Ltd accepts orders for delivery via a range of transport modes, including motorcycles, cars, vans, and lorries. Independent couriers can choose which mode of transport they wish to use for each delivery.

  6. Renewal of Evidence Required by the Company:

    To ensure that independent couriers remain compliant with Parcel Royale Ltd's policies, all couriers are required to renew the evidence required by the company, such as insurance, MOT certificates, and documentation of professional competence, at least bi-annually and before they expire.

  7. Delivery of Goods:

    As an independent courier with Parcel Royale Ltd, you will receive delivery requests via the company's app or website and will be required to pick up the goods from the sender and deliver them to the recipient within the specified time frame. You will be required to provide regular updates on the status of the delivery to the sender and recipient via the app or website.

  8. Availability of Independent Courier:

    Independent couriers are free to work in their own time and availability. However, they are expected to be available on the Parcel Royale Ltd platform during their chosen hours of work to receive delivery requests.

  9. Receiving Delivery Request:

    Independent couriers receive delivery requests through their Parcel Royale Ltd account and will be alerted via email and/or push notifications on the app. The courier driver has the option to accept or reject the request.

  10. Courier Fee:

    Parcel Royale Ltd charges a commission for each delivery successfully completed by independent couriers. The commission fee may vary based on the mode of transport used and the volume of goods delivered.

  11. Executing Delivery of Goods:

    Once an independent courier accepts delivery requests, they must execute the delivery on time and ensure that the goods are delivered securely to the recipient, in compliance with Parcel Royale Ltd's policies. Independent couriers are also responsible for keeping the sender and recipient updated on the status of the delivery.

  12. Commission:

    Independent couriers earn a commission for each delivery they successfully complete. The commission rate varies based on the mode of transport used and the volume of goods delivered.

  13. Returning of Goods:

    In the case of a return of goods, independent couriers are required to notify Parcel Royale Ltd, return the goods to the sender, and follow the instructions provided by the Parcel Royale Ltd platform.

  14. Limitation of Liability of the Independent Courier:

    Independent couriers are responsible for delivering goods safely and securely. However, they are not held liable for damages or losses incurred during the delivery, except where the loss or damage is caused by the courier's negligence or wilful misconduct.

  15. Payment:

    Payment for each successfully completed delivery is made to the independent courier's Parcel Royale Ltd’s account on a weekly basis, every Friday. Payments vary depending on the mode of transport used and the volume of goods delivered.

  16. Guarantee of the Independent Courier:

    Only independent couriers who meet Parcel Royale Ltd's eligibility criteria are allowed to work for the company. They are expected to comply with regulations on secure and lawful handling of goods. Moreover, their personal data is governed by the Parcel Royale Ltd's privacy and data handling policies.

  17. Insurance:

    Independent couriers are required to have their own insurance coverage, including Goods In Transit (GIT) insurance for the goods they deliver. Parcel Royale Ltd may also require additional insurance arrangements depending on the type of delivery assigned to the independent courier.